The name Blue Orange Games was inspired by a surrealist poem by Paul Éluard, titled “The Earth is Blue Like an Orange.”
This poem helped us view things from a different perspective. The same way Éluard looked at the Earth and saw an orange, we can look at a game and see beyond the simple material object in order to appreciate the greater value behind it.
We also feel the name Blue Orange Games is in line with our vision of a happy and harmonious planet, which we further by following eco-friendly practices.
Éluard’s poem speaks to our mission of unifying people with games and inspiring “down to earth” moments in families.
The earth is blue like an orange
Never a mistake words do not lie
They no longer give you cause to sing
It’s kisses turn to get along (hear each other)
Madmen and lovers
She her wedding-ring mouth
All the secrets all the smiles
And what garments of indulgence
To believe her quite naked.
The wasps are flowering green
The dawn is worn around the neck
A necklace of windows
Wings cover the leaves
You have all the solar joys
All the sunlight upon the earth
On the roads of your beauty.