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Main game image for TopiCubes
Second game image for TopiCubes
This game is out of print!
Ages 7 and UP
2-6 Players

In this fun word game, players roll 10 dice, 5 with a letter, and 5 with an illustrated topic, and race to find matching words. A winning matching word must start with one of the letters showing on a die, and must belong to one of the categories showing on a die of a different color. With topics like Celebs, TV shows, piece of clothing, ‘’something square’’, an animal living on land, and many more, this game is sure to entertain your creative mind and guarantees busts of laughter!

  • Speech & Language
  • Creativity
  • Social Play
  • 5 Letter Dice
  • 5 Topic Dice
  • Illustrated Rules
Item # 07600
Detail image